
Welcome to Pushboard.io

What is Pushboard?

Pushboard is a data visualization builder. Unlike conventional data dashboards and BI tools that are pull-based, Pushboard uses push action to move the data from datasource to web interface. As a result, it doesn't require embedding a data query in the web interface tool, instead the data query is entirely owned and managed by the user and stored outside the dashboard.

Why using Pushboard?

Pushboard works with/without any data backend, because it doesn't rely on any type of database connector or driver. All it consumes is the dataset that is pushed via the push API by its users and/or scheduled jobs.

In such a way, we can give the full control of their data business logic back to the users. It not only is more flexible than ever to build a dashboard, but also allows seperation between data query and dashboard tools, and we believe this brings a lot more benefits compared with conventional data dashboard tool solution:

  • Users don't have to be restricted by certain type of data backend.
  • Users have full control of what queries are sent to the their data backend.
  • Data queries are managed in a standalone code repo and version controlled.

Who should be using Pushboard?

Anyone can use it as long as they know how to make a HTTP post request. Pushboard is decoupled from data source (CSV, SQL database, data warehouse, data lake, message queue, notebook and so on) and agnostic about the query language.

Pushboard is free for evaluation with up to 3 dashboards. You can go to Pushboard.io (opens in a new tab) to get started with the demo app.